WASHINGTON – National Farmers Union (NFU) President Rob Larew today testified before the United States House Committee on Agriculture for a hearing titled “Uncertainty, Inflation, Regulations: Challenges for American Agriculture.”
In his testimony, Larew addressed the themes of the hearing.
On inflation:
“Family farmers and ranchers are particularly vulnerable to the effects of inflation. Supply chain disruptions have set the stage for rising costs for farmers and ranchers. These inflationary pressures are intensified by a lack of market competition in the food system.”
On uncertainty:
“One of the greatest sources of uncertainty farmers face is climate change. We’re on the front lines of climate change, with shifting weather patterns and increasingly severe weather events making farming more unpredictable and difficult.”
On regulations:
“NFU believes family farmers and ranchers should be allowed to do what we do best: sustainably produce food, feed, fiber, and fuel. Regulations, when needed, should be science-based, size- and risk-appropriate, clear, and only implemented after thorough feedback.”
In conclusion:
“By working together, we can overcome the challenges presented by faulty regulations, mounting uncertainty, and inflationary pressures.
NFU launched the Fairness for Farmers campaign to shed light on the devastating impact that monopolies and near-monopolies have on family farmers, ranchers, and our communities. That’s why we’re calling for a Competition Title in the Farm Bill.”
The full text of President Larew’s testimony can be found here.