Sunday, March 10

9:00 AM           Registration Desk Opens - Foyer

Exhibits Open - Foyer

Policy Committee Available for Delegate Presentations until 3:30 pm (sign up on site) - La Valencia

Explore Scottsdale on your own and learn more about Arizona agriculture.

1:00 PM           Opening Session - Grande Ballroom

Welcome Messages – National Farmers Union President Rob Larew and Arizona FFA

Kari Jo Lawrence – CEO, Intertribal Agriculture Council

Report – Rules, Credentials, Elections Committee

Panel: The Future of Farmer-Owned Cooperatives, Chuck Conner, President and CEO, National Council of Farmer Cooperatives Keri Jacobs, Associate Professor of Agricultural and Applied Economics and Partridge Chair in Cooperative Leadership, University of Missouri Doug O’Brien, President and CEO, National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA International

Cooperatives today face many internal and external challenges. Increasing economic pressures, complex governance needs, and an evolving and diverse agriculture sector all present opportunities for farmer owned co-ops to evaluate their current business strategies and plan for their future. How will these changes impact their member-owners and the farm organizations that helped them grow? Join our panel of national cooperative leaders and experts for a robust conversation about the future of farmer-owned co-ops, framed by Farmers Union’s legacy of co-op development and leadership.

Family Farm Wellness Alliance, Brittany Jablonsky, Chief of Staff, National Farmers Union, Mark Hayes, Vice President of Communications, Farm Credit

Farming is a stressful job, even in good times, but you’re not alone. NFU is proud to partner with Farm Foundation and others to provide free, anonymous mental health support to those who need it.

4:00 PM            Welcome Reception - Terraza
5:00 PM           Opening Banquet - Grande Ballroon

The banquet dinner will feature the State of the Farmers Union address by NFU President Rob Larew, a message from the White House, and presentation of awards for meritorious service.

7:00 PM            National Farmers Union Foundation Dessert Reception Fundraiser ($30 ticketed event) - Terraza

The NFU Foundation's mission is to empower people to educate our youth, neighbors, media, and policymakers of the social, economic, and cooperative contributions of family agriculture. Through the NFU Foundation, we offer leadership camps for young people, beginning farmer and rancher programming, college scholarships, cooperative education, and more.

Monday, March 11

7:00 AM           Registration Desk Opens - Foyer
8:00 AM          General Session - Grande Ballroom

Membership & Leadership Awards Ceremony

Sarah Suggs, President, CEO Sandra Day O’Connor Institute for American Democracy

The Sandra Day O’Connor Institute for American Democracy’s mission is continue the distinguished legacy and lifetime work of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor to advance American democracy through multigenerational civics education, civil discourse and civic engagement.

The Honorable Tom Vilsack, United States Secretary of Agriculture

Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack said, “In many respects, National Farmers Union has been the architect and the designer in terms of the work we are doing in this administration in rural America and farm country.”  Sec. Vilsack will address our members on the progress of that work, and make major announcements on USDA’s efforts under the Biden Administration’s to strengthen the food supply chain, promote competition and innovation, and protect consumers and producers.

10:15 AM         Breakout Session 1:

Do Right-to-Farm Laws Benefit Farmers? - La Valencia A & B

Since the 1970s, all fifty states have adopted “Right-to-Farm” laws to prevent nuisance lawsuits against agricultural production. This session will explore how most of these laws do not benefit family farmers and rural communities, and why changing them can help confront corporate power and make our communities more just and democratic.

While suppplies last, session attendees will receive a free copy of the book “Empty Fields, Empty Promises”, a guide to right-to-farm laws written by two of the session panelists, Loka Ashwood and Lindsay Kuehn.

Biofuels: New Opportunities for Agriculture to Lead the Way in the Low Carbon World - La Valencia A & B

Advancements in technology and carbon reduction are rapidly spawning new opportunities for a diverse set of agricultural feedstocks and fuels. Demand for ethanol and other feedstocks are growing in this fluid market for biofuels and sustainable aviation fuel. We are seeing a biofuels renaissance brought about by new technologies that increase utilization of feedstocks. Join us as we explore these new market conditions that have the potential to significantly increase the opportunity for biofuels and farmers.

Food Safety in the Southwest - El Teatro

Join the NFU food safety team to cover the state of food safety needs and regulations for produce growers across the region, emerging scientific insights, challenges to implementing food safety practices, and community engagement and outreach strategies. Following the panel, we will screen a selection of food safety educational videos produced by NFU. (This breakout continues through session 2.)

11:15 AM         Lunch - Terraza
12:00 PM        Delegate Registration Closes
12:45 PM           Breakout Session 2:

Managing the Stress and Stressors of Agriculture in 2024 - La Valencia A & B

Join us for a discussion on healthy ways to navigate the stress, stressors, and challenges of agriculture in the 21st century. During this session we will discuss signs and symptoms of chronic stress, effective strategies for managing stress, values of social connection, and ways to support our family, friends, and neighbors when times are tough.

Protecting Landowner Rights - La Valencia A & B

Several controversial carbon capture pipelines have been proposed in recent years and Farmers Union members have spoken out in defense of landowner rights. In this session, you can learn more about how to effectively voice concerns and challenge pipeline companies’ attempts to use eminent domain to access private property.

2:00 PM           General Session - Grande Ballroom

National Youth Advisory Council Presentations

Milt Hakel Award for Excellence in Agricultural Journalism

Charlie Berens, Comedian, Social Media Content Creator

Charlie Berens is a comedian, New York Times Best Selling Author, Emmy-winning journalist, musician and creator of the Manitowoc Minute. He creates weekly content for his various social platforms and has amassed over 9 million followers.

Final Reports: Rules, Credentials, and Elections Committees

Bylaws and Policy Consideration & Adoption

5:00 PM           Evening on Your Own
5:15 PM           NFU PAC Happy Hour Reception ($100 suggested contribution) - La Valencia A & B

Tuesday, March 12

7:00 AM         Registration Desk Opens - Foyer
8:00 AM        General Session - Grande Ballroom

Remarks from the National Youth Advisory Council

Rod Snyder, Senior Advisor for Agriculture to the Environmental Protection Administration Administrator

Doug McKalip, Chief Agricultural Negotiator in the Office of the United States Trade Representative

Carah Hart, President, National Association of Farm Broadcasters

Policy Consideration & Adoption

11:30 AM         Lunch - Terraza
1:00 PM         Policy Consideration & Adoption - Grande Ballroom

Please do not plan to leave the hotel before 5:00 PM!