Climate Action
This April, join NFU and Farmers Union members from across the country as we participate in movements to promote both science-based federal policies and the importance of addressing climate change! Below you'll find information on each of the marches.
Please sign up by following the links, and be sure to let us know you plan on attending! The Farmers Union delegation will be meeting at the NFU Washington, DC, office for the marches. Please email Tom Driscoll ([email protected]) to RSVP and ask any questions!
NFU Washington Office
20 F St. NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20001
March For Science
April 22, 2017 - 10 AM
NFU group meeting TBD for April 22.
The March for Science is a call for politicians to implement science based policies, as well as a public celebration of science and the enormous public service it provides in our democracy, our economy, and our daily lives. The rally will feature main stage speakers, including NFU President Roger Johnson, and several large teach-in tents around the Mall where scientists, educators, and leaders from a wide variety of disciplines will discuss their work, effective science communication strategies, and training in public advocacy.
People's Climate Movement
April 29, 2017
NFU group meets outside of NFU Washington, D.C., office building at 9:45 AM on April 29.
On the 100th Day of the Trump Administration, the People's Climate Movement will be in the streets of Washington D.C. to show the world and U.S. leaders that we will resist attacks on our people, our communities and our planet.
At 11:00am: We will gather in front of the Capitol Building in contingents that spell out the values we share: justice, truth, democracy, faith and more. No matter what community you’re marching with, or where you’re coming from, there will be a spot for you. At 12:30pm, we’ll begin marching up Pennsylvania Avenue.