Mission: To advocate for the economic and social well-being, and quality of life of Illinois family farmers, ranchers, fishermen and consumers and their communities through education, cooperation and legislation. ILFU advocates sustainable production of food, fiber, feed and fuel.

Vision: Illinois Farmers Union will continue to be the respected, influential and independent state voice and coalition leader that bridges family producers and consumers on behalf of a vibrant and growing grassroots membership.

Working to Fight the Monopoly Crisis in American Agriculture

Decades of consolidation in the agriculture industry have devastated family agriculture.

Every family farmer and rancher can talk personally about how corporate monopolies have negatively impacted their family, their business, and their local community. National Farmers Union is working to ensure America’s family farmers are heard by those in positions to force change.


At the 2025 Illinois Farmers Union Annual Meeting, members identified several key policy priorities to focus our efforts on in 2025. A link to that document can be found below.


Only by working together can we secure a positive future of all family farmers, growers and consumers across our State. Join Illinois Farmers Union today.

Click HERE to visit to the online membership sign-up page at the National Farmers Union membership portal.

DUES:  ONE YEAR $60.00

Illinois Farmers Union is a tax exempt agricultural organization under 501 (c) (5) of the Internal Revenue Code. It is not a charitable organization and, therefore, payments to Illinois Farmers Union are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. However, they may be deductible under other provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.

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